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Events / Arts festivals

The XVII International Festival of Art Masters "Peace to the Caucasus"

5 - 7 september, 2014, Stavropol

The XVII International festival of art masters "Peace to the Caucasus" is organized with the support of the Ministry of culture of Russian Federation. Artistic delegations from the regions of the Southern Federal District, North Caucasus Federal District, Abkhazia and South Ossetia (all in all some 700 people) will take part in the event.

The State Academic folk dance ensemble named after Igor Moiseyev will be the guest of the festival.

The event programme includes: a meeting of the Coordinating Council on culture and arts of the Association "South" with the participation of heads of executive state authorities in the field of culture of the Southern Federal District, North Caucasus Federal District, Abkhazia and South Ossetia; scientific and practical conference "The integrity of Russian state – in the unity of national cultures"; thematic exhibitions of items of decorative and applied arts; creative meetings and concert performances of the participants – in the municipal bodies of the area as well.

The solemn opening ceremony will take place on the stage of Fortress Hill of Stavropol.

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15:43:43 C ( F)
Region: Stavropol region
City: Stavropol
Phone: (8652) 26 15 16